Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lookin' Good!!

I got the best comment at the gym this morning! One of the women in my class that I have talked to a couple times in the past came up to me today and told me that I was "lookin' good!". She kept going on and on about how much weight I have lost and that I was looking really good. That was just what I needed to hear today! I was starting to get a bit discouraged because I have only managed to lose about 3 - 4 lbs these past 4 weeks and needed to hear that little pick me up. It's always nice when other people start to notice your efforts.

So that has made me decide that I need to lay off the sodas and junk that has started to creep it's way back into my diet and get back on track. I have enlisted one of my friends at the gym to do cardio with me after classes so that way I have someone to hold me accountable to make sure I get my cardio in that I sometimes slack off on. Since it is Wednesday today and our workout week is just about over we decided to start back into cardio slowly and just walked and a nice pace on the treadmill. Starting Monday though it is going to be balls to the wall!!!! Time to stop screwing around and get back on track!!! 32 lbs gone so far and 27 more to go!!!

I'll keep you all posted!!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Anti-Bitch Pill

Somebody needs to come up with an anti-bitch pill! I will be the first one to test it in clinical trials if one ever becomes available! :) I don't know what my problem is lately. It seems like every time I turn around someone (you shall remain nameless!!) says something to just set me off. It can be about anything, doesn't matter. Most times it's just something as innocent as 'What did you do today?' and that's it!!! The fuse has been lit!!!

And no, I'm not pregnant! Took a test the other day just to be sure. hahaha! I think I just need a vacation! One of my friends that I haven't seen in a very long time has invited me to go to Vegas with her for a couple of days at the end of September and I think I may take her up on that offer. Maybe I just need some time away from it all. Housework, cooking, ironing, etc., etc., etc. You all know what I'm talking about! That way hopefully I will come back refreshed and ready to face it all again.

Only down side to that is that my family has to put up with my ass for the next month and a half! Hopefully I will have calmed down some by then though. Keep thinking that if I keep going to the gym everyday I will work out some of this aggression but no such luck. Woke up this morning feeling like shit and decided to go to the gym later in the day. Only problem with that was I didn't feel like going later either! Ahh, but go I did. Thought it would make me feel better because it usually does but not today. I guess it's just going to be one of those bitch days again!

Where to begin.....

Well, today is the first day that I'm going to try out this whole blogging thing. Heard a lot about it in the past and have some friends who do it (blog) as well so I thought, 'What the hell' I'll give it a try. Thought this might be a fun way to express my thoughts and opinions on anything and everything that pops into my head. If you like it great, keep coming back and checking in. If not than oh well, who needs ya anyway! Like I mentioned at the top of my blog, I am not politically correct and do not give a rat's ass if I offend you! Last time I checked we still have freedom of speech here and will say what I want when I want! Too many people now a days worry about saying the wrong thing and offending someone or hurting there feelings! Look, if you wear your feelings on your sleeve and get pissed/hurt anytime you even think that someone looks at you funny than you've got some problems that you need to work on! Alright, enough bitching for now! :) Let the blogging begin!!! :) :)
